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April 3, 2024
Salisbury, MD - David Phippin, a dedicated member of the Salisbury Fire Department, was honored with the 2023 Outstanding Public Health Leader award for Wicomico County. The award was presented during the 27th annual ceremony held at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center on April 2nd in observance of National Public Health Week (April 1-7, 2024).

Starting his journey as a Paramedic/Firefighter in March 2005, Phippin devoted his career to bridging the gap between 9-1-1 emergencies and patient needs. His tireless efforts were not limited to his duty hours, as he spent his time off the clock researching ways to provide more in-depth care for those who needed more than a ride to the emergency room.

Recognizing that the fire department needed assistance, Phippin joined hands with the Peninsula Regional Medical Center (PRMC) and the Wicomico County Health Department (WiCHD) to secure funding and form a team. His vision and determination culminated in the Salisbury Wicomico Integrated Firstcare Team (SWIFT), which started serving patients in October 2017 with the help of grant funding.

Phippin's deep-seated compassion for his patients and unwavering dedication to their well-being have proved instrumental in reducing 9-1-1 calls and emergency room visits for those enrolled in the SWIFT program. His colleagues at the Salisbury Fire Department acknowledge his invaluable contribution to the program and salute the positive impact he continues to make on our community through his unrelenting care and empathy.

In addition to Phippin's award, the ceremony recognized the services of James Cockey, recipient of the Health Officer's Award of Excellence, and Caroline Jonhson, named Employee of the Year from the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. 

Andy Kitzrow, a representative from the City of Salisbury Mayor's office, was present for the celebration.